The following fees are charged for the Bachelor and Master programmes:
- Tuition fee per semester: CHF 720
- Semester fee for the Academic Sports Association Zurich (ASVZ): CHF 35
- Semester fee for the Verein der Studierendenvertretung (Association of Student Union): CHF 32 (optional membership fee โ
Depending on the specific course of study pursued, students should also expect to incur expenses for study materials.
Additional semester fees for foreign students
Under applicable law, international students who enter Switzerland for the purposes of study and who take up residence in the country do not meet the statutory requirements of a permanent place of residence. They must therefore pay an additional fee of CHF 500 per semester.
Students must apply for grants from their home cantons or cities. Foreign students can apply for grants from their home countries.
โ More information
Application fees
Registration for the application procedure: CHF 100
Admissions examination: CHF 200
Zurich University of the Arts
University Office
Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96
P.O. Box
CH 8031 Zurich
Phone: +41 43 446 44 00