Victor Mendes
Step 1: You are in the place you trust and it’s okay to doubt it from time to time. Remember where/who you are.
Step 2: Pull everything out of your family, friends, teachers, students, even the person you bumped into this morning by accident. We all have a story to tell.
Step 3: Experiment everything, every movement. Your body knows when to stop and it will tell you.
Step 4: Be self disciplined. That is when it makes you feel good about what you are doing.
Step 5: Acknowledge your beliefs. Everything is wrong and everything is a mistake. There is no win and no fail, there is only create/make.
Step 6: As a great philosopher once said; You want a hot body? You want a Bugatti? You want a Maserati? YOU BETTER WORK, B*TCH!
No but seriously, work for yourself, it feels good.
Step 7: In creations do not use your creativity and judgement at the same time. It comes from different parts of your brain. These are different processes.
Step 8: Go have a beer at the end of the week. It is lighter than you think.
Step 9: Break all the rules, especially your own. You just need to know for yourself when it is time to say NO.
Step 10: Take a breath, love, appropriate. You do belong here.
I can not expect anything but I hope we can dance.