
Storytelling with Sound Design

Explore the artistic and design processes of sound dramaturgy and apply the methods that you learn in your own project.

  • Study level

    BA and MA

  • Coursework

    15 credits

  • Teaching language


  • Start of studies

    Every autumn semester

  • Number of study places



Course content.
Students learn different methods of sound dramaturgy, which is the basis of every emotionally appealing narrative. Parallel to input days, students’ personal artistic styles are enhanced with individual mentoring sessions. 

Together we consolidate the project-specific needs by discussing and individualizing a variety of sound recording concepts for the projects. Subsequently, students can make their own sound recordings and in doing so generate new material, which then forms the basis of their post-production work. During the editing and creation phase, they explore artistic and design processes in depth. The minor is concluded with a presentation and reflection on their work, which takes the form of a written ‘sound diary’. 

The “Storytelling with Sound” minor, which is taught in German, is offered by the Film discipline and is designed for Bachelor’s and Master’s students. It is open to all departments and is offered once a year.

Skills acquired in the course.
–  Knowledge of sound design methods for creating film narratives. 
–  Knowledge and selection of a variety of recording concepts in feature films and documentaries.
–  Analysis and use of students’ own sound recordings.
–  Consolidation of practical and design skills of sound post-production.
–  Application of students’ own sound design and sound-related dramaturgical ideas.

Admissions requirements.
The minor is aimed at students whose artistic work revolves around auditive narratives. The minor targets film makers, editors, sound designers, sound technicians and musicians in particular. However, artists and students from all other departments who would like to discuss their experiences in and thoughts about engaging with sound in a linear narrative with each other and continue their research in their own projects are also welcome to apply. The minor is compulsory for all students with an artistic project. This may take the form of an existing work or a project currently in the design phase. The subject-specific admission requirements are verified by student-acknowledgement that the necessary prerequisites coursework and experience has been met. 

Language skills required.
You need the following languages to take this minor:
–  German: to be able to follow a discussion
–  German: to actively participate in a verbal exchange
–  German or English: to understand a text
–  German or English: to write a text

Benefits of studying at ZHdK.
–  Sound recording and sound processing on a professional level with the help of common industry tools and methods. 
–  Development of an independent sound concept on a high artistic level. 
–  Personal, technical and artistic support in individual mentoring sessions.

More information about this minor (PDF download)


Minor Coordination

Major-Minor Programme Model

At ZHdK, students choose a Major. In addition to this core subject, they can choose one or two Minors to deepen or expand their major skills and knowledge across various disciplines. This wide choice of courses is unique in Europe and enables students to develop and sharpen their individual profile.


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Storytelling with Sound Design