
Visual Literacy

The “Visual Literacy” minor teaches designers and artists from all disciplines how to handle media images carefully and responsibly, and to negotiate the impact and social significance of such images confidently and objectively with others.

  • Study level

    BA and MA

  • Coursework

    15 credits

  • Main teaching language


  • Start of studies

    Every autumn semester

  • Number of study places



Course content.
Discover how images work, how you can identify, discuss and reflect on their social significance, and how to use them artistically and creatively in practical terms. The minor offers students an in-depth theoretical and practical way of exploring the design and impact of image communication. Throughout the course of the minor, you will also realize a practical, theoretical or research-based project for your portfolio. Insights from image perception theory and the psychology of perception form the basis for assessing images and their impact when they are disseminated by the media. Together with art directors, image editors, illustrators and photographers, you will discuss practical examples and gain insights into relevant professional fields. You will learn to offer informed opinions on images and make objective, well-founded arguments. The course combines theoretical approaches with practical work in creative workshops and individual mentoring. You will also have the option to link your work in the minor to your projects in the major, and to discuss them with the lecturers teaching the minor.
The “Visual Literacy” minor is offered by the subject area in Knowledge Visualization and is aimed at Bachelor’s and Master’s students. 

Skills acquired in the course.
The “Visual Literacy” minor focuses on societal and social responsibility, language, images and discourse as well as the analysis and publication of images.

Admissions requirements.
The “Visual Literacy” minor is open to all students at ZHdK. It is perfect for everyone who is interested in images, particularly if their work involves creating and using images.

Language skills required.
You need the following languages to take this minor:
–  German: to be able to follow a discussion
–  German: to actively participate in a verbal exchange
–  German: to understand a text
–  German: to write a text

Time structure.
Autumn Semester:
From calendar week 38, Friday afternoons between 1pm and 5pm until calendar week 51
Minor block during calendar weeks 02–04, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm

Spring Semester:
Minor block during calendar weeks 08–10, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm
From calendar week 11, Friday afternoons between 1pm and 5pm until calendar week 24

More information about this minor (PDF download)


Minor Coordination

Lecturers and Research Associates

Major-Minor Programme Model

At ZHdK, students choose a Major. In addition to this core subject, they can choose one or two Minors to deepen or expand their major skills and knowledge across various disciplines. This wide choice of courses is unique in Europe and enables students to develop and sharpen their individual profile.


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Visual Literacy