I speak your Language is the title of an ongoing series of works by Master Fine Arts student Ishita Chakraborty. They are based on her own experience of migration, the loss of her mother tongue and her growing up in post-colonial India.
Now she is an immigrant in Switzerland, in the middle of Europe. and struggling with the irritations of a society with a rather eurocentric self-image. Through the drawings and installations, sound and poetry, her recent body of works encapsulate questions like: What is the importance of mother tongue in a foreign land? How do we adopt a new language for our survival? What role does language play in identity politics?
Kunstraum, Ebene 5, Raum 5.K12, Toni Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich
Opening: Wednesday, 02.05.2019, 6:30pm
Exhibition: 03.-05.05.2019, 2-8pm
Contact: artishitaart@gmail.com