Lucas Niggli Drums, Percussion, Komposition
Lucas Niggli (1968) musiziert als Schlagzeuger und Perkussionist im Grenzbereich von improvisierter und komponierter Musik.
Zu seinen aktuellen Formationen gehรถren STEAMBOAT SWITZERLAND (mit Dominik Blum und Marino Pliakas), Biondini - Godard โ Niggli, KALO YELE (mit Aly Keรฏta), das Duo mit dem Sรคnger Andreas Schaerer sowie verschiedene Formationen von und mit dem Bassisten Barry Guy.
Urauffรผhrungen von den Komponisten Felix Profos, Michael Wertmรผller, Olga Neuwirth, David Dramm, Helena Winkelmann, Barry Guy ua.
Seine Konzertreisen fรผhrten ihn durch die ganze Welt und an viele renommierte Festivals, von Donaueschingen bis Capetown, von Vancouver bis Lucerne Festival.
Seine musikalischen Partner sind oder waren Nils Wogram, Barry Guy, Kalle Kalima, Maya Homburger, Fred Frith, John Cale, Pierre Favre, Elliott Sharp, Matthias Loibner, Erika Stucky, Wu Wei, Flea, Xu Fengxia, Tim Berne, Paul Plimley, Melvin Gibbs, Fritz Hauser, Aly Keรฏta, Corinna Harfouch uvm.
Er arbeitete mit Herbert Fritsch am Schauspielhaus Hamburg in der Produktion Valentin, in versch. Musiktheater Produktionen (ua Staatsoper Hamburg, Lucerne Festival).
Seine Diskographie umfasst 50 Titel, davon 17 CDs als Leader und Komponist, zumeist auf dem Label INTAKT Records.
2018 erscheint seine erste, vielbeachtete Solo Produktion ALCHEMIA GARDEN.
Er hat verschiedene Festivals kuratiert ( ua TAKTLOS Zรผrich 2018) und organisiert seit 2003 die Konzertreihe PAM ( Platz fรผr Andere Musik , Uster).
Er ist als Dozent fรผr Improvisation an der Zรผrcher Hochschule der Kรผnste (ZHdK) tรคtig.
Lucas Niggli
Born in 1968 in Cameroon, he now lives with his family in Uster near Zurich (CH). As drummer and improviser, he plays in various bands including "Steamboat Switzerland" (with Dominik Blum and Marino Pliakas), He composes and generates concepts for his own band: Lucas Niggli ZOOM and BIG ZOOM, in a Duo with Xu Fengxia, the Drum Trio with Peter Conradin Zumthor and Fritz Hauser or BEAT BAG BOHEMIA (his Drum Quartet) and plays regularly with Barry Guy, Maya Homburger, and Pierre Favre, Andreas Schaerer, in a trio with Luciano Biondini and Michel Godard, as well in a Band with Aly Keรฏta and Jรผrg Wickihalders BEYOND.
He toured all over the world including Festival-performances (Vancouver, Berlin, Willisau, Moers, Saalfelden, Le Mans, Donaueschingen, Bath (UK), Capetown a.m.o.). He has performed the works of contemporary composers (Olga Neuwirth, Helena Winkelmann, Sam Hayden, D. Dramm, M. Werthmรผller) and taken part in several crossover projects with such musicians as Butch Morris, Stephan Wittwer, Sylvie Couvoisier, Trevor Watts, Fred Frith, John Cale, Hans Koch, Peter Kowald, Phil Minton, Samuel Nori, Tom Cora, Ikue Mori, Xu Fengxia, Michel Portal, Flea, Urs Leimgruber, Erika Stucky, Susanne Abbuehl, Arkadij Shilklopper, Wu Wei, Michel Portal, Andrew Cyrille and many others. He teaches at the University of Arts in Zurich, ZHdK and is promoter of a concert series for contemporary music.
Diskografie Lucas Niggli (1968)
( fรผr die Ausstellung in LA / Gagosian von Albert Oehlen ) , Vinyl, Trost Records, 2022
Desiree Meiser / Lucas Niggli Duo : Frรผhlingsopfer // Gedichte und Prosa // Gertrud Leutenegger // Schweizer Fonogramm // 2021
Keรฏta Brรถnnimann Niggli KALAN TEBAN, Intakt Records, 2020
Lucas Niggli Solo Alchemia Garden, Intakt Records, 2018
Barry Guy and the Blue Shroud Band Intensegrity (5 CD Box), NotTwo Recrods // 2018
Charlotte Hug Lucas Niggli Duo // Fulguratio // Sluchaj Records // 2018
A NOVEL OF ANOMALY ( Schaerer Biondini Kalima Niggli). // Act Records 2018
BEYOND (Jรผrg Wickihalder, Barry Guy, Lucas Niggli) Intakt Records, 2017
Barry Guy , The Blue Shroud Band, Intakt Records, 2016
Barry Guy The Blue Shroud Band, Tensegrity ( 4CD Box!), NotTwo Records, 2016
Keรฏta - Brรถnnimann โ Niggli, KALO YELE, Intakt Records , 2016
Large Ensemble, Hochschule Der Kรผnste Bern / Michael Wertmรผller / Lucas Niggli / Django Bates // Terrain!Terrain! Pull Up! Pull Up!, Neos Records, 2016
Le Miroir Du Temps / Michel Godard // A Serpents Dream // Intuition Records, 2015
Lorenz Raab Quartet, Impassioned, UNIT Records 2015
Schaerer Niggli Duo, Arcanum, Intakt Records . 2014
SCHAERER NIGGLI DUO, Try-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met, Jazzwerkstatt 2013
BIONDINI-GODARD-NIGGLI, MAVร, Intakt Records, 2013
SHARP - GIBBS โ NIGGLI, Crossing The Waters, Intakt Records, 2013
STEAMBOAT SWITZERLAND, Zeitschrei, Trost Records, 2013
STEAMBOAT SWITZERLAND EXTENDED, Sederunt Principes d.b. records 2013
Plimley โ Guy โ Niggli, โHexentrioโ, Intakt Records, CD 206, 2012
Biondini โ Godard โ Niggli, โWhat is There What is Notโ, Intakt Records, CD 185, 2011
Lucas Niggli Drum Quartet โFellowship Of The Drumsโ a Film by Martin Fuchs.
Intakt Records, DVD, 2011
Lucas Niggli BIG ZOOM, โPolisationโ, Intakt Records, 2011
Lucas Niggli ZOOM meets ARTE Quartet, โ CRASH CRUISEโ, Intakt, 2007
Lucas Niggli BIG ZOOM, โ Celebrate Diversity, Intakt Records, 2006
Lucas Niggli ZOOM Ensemble, SWEAT Intakt Records CD 093. 2004
Lucas Niggli Big ZOOM, โBig Ballโ, Intakt Records, CD 083, 2003.
Lucas Niggli ZOOM, โRough Rideโ, Intakt records, CD 082, 2003
Lucas Nigglis ZOOM, โSpawn Of Speedโ ,Intakt records, CD 067, 2001
Xu Fengxia Lucas Niggli Duo, โ BLACK LOTOSโ, Intakt Records 2009
Lucas Niggli Drum Quartet โBEAT BAG BOHEMIAโ, Intakt Records, 2008
Lucas Niggli โ Peter Conradin Zumthor, โSpiegelโ , Edition Therme Vals, 2012
Lucas Niggli โ Peter Conradin Zumthor โPROFOSโ, Not Two Records, 2009
Lorenz Raab Quartet, Expanded Unit Records, 2011
Felix Profos FORCEMAJEUR, Lingua Mortuorum, ZHdK Records, 2011
Demierrre-Guy-Niggli, โBrainforestโ, Intakt Records, CD 107, 2006
Steamboat Switzerland, Felix Profos, โGet Out Of My Roomโ, Grob, 2010
Steamboat Switzerland, โZone2โ, Grob 2007
Steamboat Switzerland, โWerthmรผllerโ, Grob, 2005
Steamboat Switzerland, โunknown songโ, Grob, 7โ, 2001
Steamboat Switzerland, โac/dB [hayden]โ, GROB 316, 2001
Steamboat Switzerland, โBudapestโ, GROB 315, 2001
Steamboat Switzerland, UNIT Records, 1998
Lucas Niggli &Sylvie Courvoisier, โLAVINโ, intakt records, 1999.
Barry Guy, London Jazz Composers Orchestra, โRadio Rondoโ, Intakt Records, 2009
Fred Frith, & Arte Quartet, โ Big Pictureโ, Intakt Records, 2009
Pierre Favre, European Chamber Ensemble, intakt records, 2000
Pierre Favres Singing Drums, intakt, 1997
Susanne Abbuehl, โCompassโ, ECM, 2006
Erika Stucky, โSuicidal Jodelsโ, Traumton 2008
Erika Stucky, Princess, Traumton 2006
Roots of Communication and Erika Stucky, Wonderland, 2004
Border Meetings, โPedretti-Grichting-Schรผtz-Niggliโ, Altri Suoni, 2000
Roots Of Communication, Al Valico dei Secoli, Esperia, 1998
Acoustic Stories, Rahel Hadorn, Live At Moods, Red Note, 1997
Roots Of Communication, โPro Helvetiaโ, UNIT Records, 1996
Scholl-Erismann-Niggli-Frith-Koch-Kowald, โNILโ, UNIT Records, 1996
Michael Gassmann Quartett, โLiveโ, UNIT Records, 1993
Sainkho Namtchylak, โLettersโ, Leo Records, 1993
Hoffmann-Niggli-Percussion, โDrumscapes & Mute Songsโ, CW 1993
Kieloor Entartet, โThe Red Light Fugueโ, UNIT Records 1995
Kieloor Entartet, โA Good Dog Has A Day...โ, UNIT Records 1992
Kieloor Entartet โNo More Beerโ, Ex Libris 1990
Plus Diverse Sampler.