Daniel Hug (Dr. phil.) is a sound and interaction designer who explores the world of sound through art, design, theoretical inquiry, teaching and applied research. He is the co-founder and co-director of the Sound Design master's program at Zurich University of the Arts, and an international lecturer in Sound Studies and Sound Design. With his practice-based and interdisciplinary research, Hug has had a significant impact on the field of sonic interaction design (SID) and integrated music education (IME). As member of the steering committee of the Audio Mostly conference and founder of the sound design and consultancy company “Hear Me Interact!”, he connects academia and business. His current interests include sound design for health tech and exercise, sound design methodology and participatory sound design processes.
Buchkapitel und Zeitschriftartikel
Misdariis, N., Hug, D.: Sound Design Methodologies: between Artistic Inspiration and Academic Perspiration. In: Bull, M., Cobussen, M. (eds.), Bloomsbury Handbook of Sonic Methodologies - Case Studies in Academia / Sound Design (2020)
Hug, D., Pfaff, S.: Bringing Sound to Interaction Design - Challenges, Opportunities, Inspirations. In: Filimowicz, M. (ed.), Foundations in Sound Design for Embedded Media – A Multidisciplinary Approach, Routledge, 2020 (2019)
Hug, D: Auf zu Neuen Ufern! Klangliche Grenzüberschreitungen auf dem Weg zu interaktiven Klangidentitäten. In Weiss, P. (ed.), Wenn Design die Materie Verlässt. Books on Demand, Norderstedt, 2015
Hug, D., Kemper, M.: From Foley to Function: A Pedagogical Approach to Sound Design for Novel Interactions. In Journal of Sonic Studies, Vol. 6 Nr. 1, 2014
Hug,D.: Barking Wallets and Poetic Flasks-Exploring Sound Design for Interactive Commodities. In: Franinovic, K., Serafin, S. (ed.), Sonic Interaction Design, MIT Press, 2013
Hug, D.: New Wine in New Skins: Sketching the Future of Game Sound. In: Grimshaw, M. (ed.), Game Sound Technology and Player Interaction, IGI Global, 2011
Hug, D.: Investigating Narrative and Performative Sound Design Strategies for Interactive Commodities. In: Ystad, S. et al., (eds.): Auditory Display - 6th International Symposium, CMMR/ICAD 2009, Revised Papers. Volume 5954, Springer, 2010
Hug, D.: Ton ab, und Action! Narrative Klanggestaltung interaktiver Objekte. In: Georg Spehr (ed.), Funktionale Klänge – Hörbare Daten, klingende Geräte und gestaltete Hörerfahrungen, Transcript, Bielefeld, 2009
Hug, D.: Shopping in the Cybrid City. In: Philipp Rheinauer, bionicprocess, Bionik als Vorbild für die Gestaltung von Organisationsprozessen, VDM Verlag, Saarbrücken, 2008
Hug, D.: Hear Me Interact, in: Gerhard Buurman (Hrsg.), Total Interaction, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2005
Full Conference Papers (peer reviewed)
Hug, D., & Ketelhut, S. (2024). Sonic Shuttle Run: Leveraging Sound Design to Improve Affective Response and Performance in Maximal Exercise Tests. Proceedings of Audio Mostly 2024 - Explorations in Sonic Cultures (AM ’24). Audio Mostly 2024 - Explorations in Sonic Cultures (AM ’24), Milano, IT.
Hug, D. (2023). Sound Design for the Pluriverse—A Design Exploration of Sonic Hermeneutic Affordances of Interactive Things. Proceedings of the 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association Forum Acusticum. Forum Acusticum 2023, Torino, IT.
Järveläinen, H., Hug, D., & Papetti, S. (2023). Assessing Power In Punching Sounds From Mainstream Films And Video Games. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Auditory Display. International Conference on Auditory Display, Norrköping, Sweden.
Hug, D., Iten, A., Spielmann, M., & Walthard, C.: Just listen! Soundscape as a Designable Common Good. In M. Botta & S. Junginger (Eds.), Proceedings of Swiss Design Network Conference “Design as Common Good Framing Design through Pluralism and Social Values” (pp. 1142–1153). SUPSI, HSLU, swissdesignnetwork, 2021
Hug, D. (2020). How do you sound design? An exploratory investigation of sound design process visualizations. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Audio Mostly, 114–121.
Repenning, A., Zurmühle, J., Lamprou, A., & Hug, D.: Computational Music Thinking Patterns: Connecting Music Education with Computer Science Education through the Design of Interactive Notations. Proceedings of CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2020
Hug, D., Petralito, S., Hauser, S., Lamprou, A., Repenning, A., Bertschinger, D., Stüber, N., Cslovjecsek, M.: Exploring Computational Music Thinking in a Workshop Setting with Primary and Secondary School Children, In: Proceedings of Audio Mostly 2017 - 12th Conference on Interaction with Sound, London, UK, 2017
Hug, D., Kemper, M., Panitz, K., Franinovic, K.: Sonic Playgrounds - Exploring Principles and tools for Outdoor Sonic Interaction, In: Proceedings of Audio Mostly 2016 - 11th Conference on Interaction with Sound, Norrköping, Sweden, 2016
Seibert, G., Hug, D., Cslovjecsek, M.: Towards an Enactive Swimming Sonification: Exploring Multisensory Design and Musical Interpretation, In: Proceedings of Audiomostly 2015, - 10th Conference on Interaction with Sound, Thessaloniki, ACM Press, S. 1–8. 2015
Hug, D., Misdariis, N.: Towards a Conceptual Framework to Integrate Designerly and Scientific Sound Design Methods, In: Proceedings of Audio Mostly 2011 - 6th Conference on Interaction with Sound, Coimbra, Portugal, 2011
Hug, D.: Performativity in Design and Evaluation of Sounding Interactive Commodities, In: Proceedings of Audio Mostly 2010 - 5th Conference on Interaction with Sound, Pitea, Sweden, 2010
Delle Monache, S., Hug, D., Erkut, C.: Basic Exploration of Narration and Performativity for Sounding Interactive Commodities, In: Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, Kopenhagen, Denmark, 2010
Pauletto, S., Hug, D., Barras, S., Luckhurst, M.: Integrating Theatrical Strategies into Sonic Interaction Design. In: Proceedings of Audiomostly 2009 - 4th Conference on Interaction with Sound, Glasgow, 2009
Hug, D.: Using a Systematic Design Process to Investigate Narrative Sound Design Strategies for Interactive Commodities. In: Proceedings of the 15th international Conference on Auditory Display, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009
Hug, D.: Genie in a Bottle – Object-Sound Reconfigurations for Interactive Commodities. In: Proceedings of Audio Mostly 2008 – 3rd Conference on Interaction with Sound, Pitea, 2008
Hug, D.: Towards a Hermeneutics and Typology of Sound for Interactive Commodities. In: Proceedings of the CHI 2008 Workshop on Sonic Interaction Design, Florence, 2008
Franinovic, K., Hug, D., Visell, Y.: Sound Embodied: Explorations of Sonic Interaction Design for Everyday Objects in a Workshop Setting. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Auditory Display, Montreal, 2007
Short Conference Papers and Abstracts (peer reviewed)
Hug, D., Stüber, N., Repenning, A., Cslovjecsek, M., Hauser, S., Agotai, D., Miyazaki, S., Escherle, N., Assaf, D.: Computational Music Thinking - Using End-User Programming to Explore Musical Creation in an STEAM-oriented Integrated Music Education Setting. In: Proceedings of ISME 2016, Glasgow, UK, 2016
Hug, D., Cslovjecsek, M.: A Critical, Design Driven Approach to New Interfaces for Music Education. In: Proceedings of RIME 2015, The 9th International Conference for Research in Music Education. Exeter, UK, 2015
Hug, D., Cslovjecsek, M.: CreaEduTool: Using a Multisensory Teaching Material to Facilitate Integrated Music Education Practices. In: Proceedings of the 31st World Conference of Music Education, Porto Alegre, 2014
Hug, D.: CreaEduTool: Entwicklung eines multisensorischen Lehr- und Lernmaterials für den fächerübergreifenden Unterricht für Kindergarten und Volksschule. Präsentiert am Forschungstag PH FHNW, Basel, 29.11.2013
Hug, D., Cslovjecsek, M., Kristiansen, P.M., Lungershausen, J., Lüscher, B., Naef, G., Steiner, L.: CreaEduTool: Developing a Low-Tech, Interdisciplinary, Multisensory Teaching Material for Kindergarten and Elementary School. Poster, Präsentiert am Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinary Day, Bern, 2013
Hug, D., Kemper, M.: From Foley to Function: A Sound-Driven, Explorative Design Process for Novel Interactions. Präsentiert an der ESSA 2013, 1st International Conference of the European Sound Studies Association, Berlin, 2013
Seibert, G., Hug, D.: Bringing Musicality to Movement Sonification. In: Proceedings of Audio Mostly 2013 – 8th Conference on Interaction with Sound, Pitea, 2013
Hug, D., Cslovjecsek, M., Kristiansen, P. M., Lüscher, B., Naef, G.: CreaEduTool: Developing a Low-Tech, Interdisciplinary, Multisensory Teaching Material for Kindergarten and Elementary School. In: Proceedings of RIME 2013: The 8th International Conference for Research in Music Education, Exeter, 2013
Hug, D.: Novel Touchscreen-Based Sound and Music Interfaces for Music Education: Exploring the Apps "Karneval der Tiere" and "soundOscope". In: Proceedings of the 21st EAS Conference, ISME European Regional Conference, Leuven, 2013
Hug, D, Cslovjecsek, M.: A Multisensory Interactive Storybook to Investigate Language Learning and Integrated Music Education. In: Proceedings of the 30th World Conference of Music Education, Thessaloniki, 2012
Hug, D.: Game Sound Education at ZHdK – Between Research Laboratory and Experimental Education. In: Proceedings of Audio Mostly 2007 – 2nd Conference on Interaction with Sound, Ilmenau, 2007