Das Projekt «Das Spiel mit den Gefühlen» erforschte in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Schweizerischen Epilepsiezentrum, ob und wie bei schauspielerischer Darstellung emotionsverarbeitende Areale des Gehirns angesprochen und -aktiviert werden können.
The project entitled 'Playing with Feelings' undertook research, in collaboration with the Schweizerisches Epilepsie-Zentrum (Swiss Epilepsy Centre), into whether and how the emotion-processing parts of the brain can be made to respond and activated when acting. The project entitled 'Playing with Feelings' undertook research, in collaboration with the Schweizerisches Epilepsie-Zentrum (Swiss Epilepsy Centre), into whether and how the emotion-processing parts of the brain can be made to respond and activated when acting. Using imaging processes common in neuroscience (fMRI), the emotions processed were located and assessed with a view to deriving conceptually consistent theories regarding the processing of emotions during acting or in relation to aesthetic experiences. One of the questions included whether imaging processes were tools which can really tell us anything, from a theatrical perspective, and whether therefore the field of theatre studies – which is predominantly concerned with the analysis of discourse and performance – would have access to a new frame of reference. The EPI Zentrum Zurich was also able to use the data gathered in the context of its neuropsychological and clinical studies.