In cooperation with the Roaring Hooves Festival, the UB Music Academy and the German School Ulan Bator, various encounters between Swiss and Mongolian folk music will be created during one month.
As part of the international group of musicians at the Roaring Hooves Festival, Laura Moser will mainly use improvisational singing to fuse different techniques, for example overtone and throat singing but also "Naturjuuz", and thus musically process the impressions gathered on the journey. The focus is also on the cultural and musical exchange between the participants, who live, travel and make music together during two intense weeks.
This year's events include concerts in Ulan Bator, Kharakurum (the former capital of Dshingis Khan), as well as in the north at Lake Khusgul, near the Siberian border.
After the festival, an exchange workshop on traditional Swiss and Mongolian folk music will be held at the UB Music Academy. Laura Moser will teach the Swiss yodeling technique and the participants will learn different "Jüüz" (yodeling pieces without text) together. In turn she learns overtone and other traditional Mongolian techniques from Mongolian Academy students. The aim is an intensive intercultural exchange from which both sides can benefit. Laura will also lead rhythmic workshops with primary school children at the German School in Ulan Bator.
Addendum: Due to the situation with Covid-19, the “Roaring Hooves Festival” 2021 has to be postponed by one year – the project will thus be realized in summer 2022.