Modules autumn semester 2025/26
Unternehmerische Grundlagen
Content: Introduction to entrepreneurial thinking & action, legal forms of organisation, self-employment basics, insurance & social security, financing
Dates: 6x Friday 13:00–16:00 plus self-study
Type: Compulsory module, 1 ECTS
Leadership: Philipp Kotsopoulos, Z-Kubator
Other participants: Subject matter experts
Wellbeing und Unternehmerisches Denken & Handeln
Content: Reflection techniques, personal development & wellbeing in an entrepreneurial context, self-efficacy, mindfulness
Dates: 5x Friday 13:00–16:00 plus self-study
Type: Compulsory module, 1 ECTS
Leadership: Malin Fluri, Z-Kubator
Individuelles unternehmerisches Projekt
Content: Development of an individual project, project planning & reflection, self-management
Dates: 05.–23.01.2026 (Monday – Friday, 9:00–17:00)
Type: Compulsory module, 6 ECTS
Leadership: Philipp Kotsopoulos, Z-Kubator
Other participants: Mentors, subject matter expers, alumni case studies