Antonio Scarponi (Rimini, Italy, 1974) is an architect and designer, founder of Conceptual Devices, ( a Zurich based office for resilient design, architecture and urban development.
He studied architecture at Cooper Union, New York and at IUAV, Venice from which he holds a PhD in urban design. He conceives design and architecture as an interdisciplinary cultural tool that can address complex social, political, economic and ecological space-related challenges. His projects take the forms of narrations that engage local communities, industries, agencies.
In the past years, he has been active worldwide in the field of resilient urban
strategies with a strong focus on urban agriculture. He designed several soilless urban
agricultural projects at different scales of interventions. He is the author of ELIOOO
(2014) an instruction manual about how to subvert the IKEA worldwide distribution
infrastructure to create a product that does not exists made with found IKEA parts to
grow food with hydroponics. This book has been translated in German, Japanese and
Antonio Scarponi is also co-founder of Hic et Nunc ( - a “verain”
with the mission to engage design students with fieldwork social design experiences,
for which received the best of the year in category design from Hochparterre in 2017.
Since 2013, he teaches Interdisciplinary Design at BA design and since 2017 Exhibition Scenography at the Master in Art Education and Curatorial Studies of the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and he is leading a research project for the reactivation of the Olivetti UNESCO World Heritage Factory in Ivrea for which he has been coordinating an EU Horizon 2020 grant request.
He collaborated with several Design Magazines, including Abitare, Architecture Design, Domus, WIRED, Vogue. His work has been widely published in different architecture and design magazines worldwide.
In 2008 he received the Curry Stone Design Prize, awarding social design pioneers. In
2016 he represented Italy at the XV Venice Architecture Biennale and, in 2018, he was
nominated for the Swiss Arts Awards.
In 2017-2018 he was commissioned by ZHdK a concept for a new interdisciplinary
study program, involving the school’s five different departments based on ‘Arts and
Space’, on which base in 2021 he has been appointed co-director of the Certificate of
Advanced Studies "Knowing Spaces".
Since 2021 Co-director, of the Certificate of Advanced Studies "Knowing Spaces"
2019-2020 Senior Researcher, Zurich Center for Creative Economies, Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK, Zurich, Switzerland.
Since 2018 Senior Researcher, Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK, Zurich, Switzerland.
Since 2017 Lecturer, Master in Art Education and Curatorial Studies, Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK,
Since 2013 Lecturer, BA Interaction Design, Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK, Zurich, Switzerland.
Since 2008 Founder and Artistic Director of Conceptual Devices, Agency for Architecture, Design and Space
Developing Consultancy (, Zurich, Switzerland.
2005-2008 Media Design Lecturer, School of Engineering, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
2003-2004 Visiting Scholar, Novia University of Applied Arts, Nykarleby, Finland.
2000 Scientific Collaborator Piano Territoriale e Paesaggistico del Salento, Lecce, Italy.
2002-2004 Teaching Assistant, Urbanistica, Prof. Paola Vigano, Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia,
Venice, Italy.
2021 Workshop. Humanponics, Neumarkt Theater, Zurich.
2021 Workshop. Germoglio, Suissa22 Fondation, Sao Paolo, Brasil.
2021 Module. Creative Economies, ZHdK BA Students, with Daniel Frei.
2020 Workshop. Udategia, Institute for Bask Architecture, San Sebastian, Spain.
2020 Course. Austellungsszenografie, Master in Art Education and Curatorial Studies.
2020 Workshop. Walden 2.0. Interdisciplinary Design Module, ZHdK BA students
2020 Module. Creative Economies, ZHdK BA Students, with Daniel Frei.
2019 Workshop. Neighborship, activation of the Fogo Areal IV, ZHdK BA students.
2019 Workshop. Pop-Up kitchen, activation of the Fogo Areal III. With the support of IKEA Stiftung.
2019 Module. Creative Economies, ZHdK BA Students, with Daniel Frei.
2019 Workshop. Pop-Up kitchen, activation of the Fogo Areal II.
2019 Course. Austellungsszenografie, Master in Art Education and Curatorial Studies.
2019 Workshop. La Città Libera. Spaceification, Master in Art Education, ZHdK, Zurich.
2018 Module. Hic et Nunc. Activation of Fogo Areal
2018 Module. Creative Economies, ZHdK BA students, with Daniel Frei.
2018 Workshop. Activation of the Olivetti heritage, Ivrea, Italy.
2018 Workshop. La Città Libera. Swiss Arts Awards, Basel.
2018 Workshop. La Città Libera. FHNW, Basel.
2018 Module. Habere/Abitare. Zurich University of the Arts.
2017 Workshop. La Città Libera. ETH /Wohnforum, Zurich, Switzerland.
2017 Workshop. DIY or DIE. McLuhan Institute, Bologna, Italy.
2017 Module. Hesje, Norwegian Theater Academy, Fredrikstat.
2017 Module, Creative Economies, ZHdK BA Student, with Daniel Frey.
2017 Workshop. Soilless Edible Eden. Domain de Boisbuchet, France.
2017 Workshop. Land Works. Università di Reggio Calabria, Italy.
2017 Module. Hic et Nunc III. What design can do? Interdisciplinary design laboratory in the Zurich Refugee Camp, ZHdK. With Karin Seiler and Martin Bölsterli).
2016 Module. Hic et Nunc II. What design can do? Interdisciplinary design laboratory in the Zurich Refugee Camp, ZHdK. (With Karin Seiler and Martin Bölsterli).
2016 Module. Hic et Nunc. What design can do? Interdisciplinary design laboratory in the Zurich Refugee Camp. (With Karin Seiler).
2016 Module. ABRACADABRA. The design of a ritual. IED, Rome, Interdisciplinary practices.
2015 Module. Hochsitz. The humble privilege of Isolation. Interdisciplinary design practices ZHdK.
2015 Module. The Book of Faces. Interdisciplinary design practices ZHdK. (With Markus Schaefer)
2015 Module. Empowerment. Towards the Prosthetic Environment. Interdisciplinary design practices, ZHdK. (with Clemens Winkler).
2014 Module. Graphomobil. Interdisciplinary design practices ZHdK. (With Max Rheiner, Moritz Kenper).
2013 Module. The Poetic Economy. The designer ad Entrepreneur. Interdisciplinary design practices ZHdK. (With Martin Feuz).
2009 Workshop. Un Souvenir per Trieste. Product Design, NABA Milano.
2009 Course. Ex-formation. Interdisciplinary Design Practice, KTH, Media Engineering School, Stockholm.
2008 Course. Ageing Modernity. Interdisciplinary Design Practice, KTH, Media Engineering School, Stockholm.
2007 Course. Play. Games as a representation of a human condition. Interdisciplinary Design Practice KTH, Media Engineering School, Stockholm.
2018 SWISS ARTS AWARDS, nomination.
2017 HOCHPARTERRE GOLDEN RABBIT, best of the year 2017 in category design (for Hic et Nunc, with Karin
Seiler and Martin Bölsterli).
2012 KATERVA SUSTAINABILITY AWARD, finalist recipient.
2008 NEW ITALIAN OXYGEN, Nomination.
2008 TORINO GEODESIGN, design competition, first prize.
2005 ADI Compasso d’Oro, nomination.
Publikationen / Diskografie / Ausstellungen / Werke
2020 UDATEGIA, Temporary Pavilion, in collaboration with the Food Hack Lab, San Sebastian, Spain.
2018 JUNGFRAU PAVILLION, Steffisburg, Switzerland.
2017 HESJE, pavilion, refugee camp in Fredrikstad, in collaboration with the Norwegian Theater Academy.
2017 SANTA LUCIA KIOSK, pavilion, Cosenza, Italy, in collaboration with the University of Reggio Calabria.
2016 CAMPO LIBERO, commissioned by La biennale di Venezia 2016, for the XV Architecture Biennale, Italian Pavilion, under construction.
2015 THUN, street food area of EXPO Milano and landscape installation, Steffisburg, Switzerland. Commissioned 2014, completed, produced by das konzept.
2014 FARM-X a vertical farm concept able to grow 5t of food/day in 1000 sqm. Commission 2013, proof of concept under Construction.
2014 HYDRON, 25 sqm geodesic hydroponic greenhouse able to grow 10 kg/day (under executive design. Commission 2014- under construction.
2014 VIRTUAL FOUNDRY, Trento, Italy. Commissioned in 2014.
2013 HOTELLO / 4mq portable office/hotel room. Commission 2012, completion 2013, produced by Das Konzept.
2013 MARSEILLE BRICK, drywall brick prototype, Marseille.
2012 DADA XMASS SHOP / 30mq Museum Shop, Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich. Commission 2012, completion, 2012.
2012 OPEN MEDIA HUB / 400mq Co-Working Space for media entrepreneurs, Rome, Italy. Commission 2011, completion 2012.
2012 REVOLUTION TO SMASH GLOBAL CAPITALISM / 50mq exhibition space design, Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich. Commission 2012, completion 2012.
2012 HARVESTING STATION / 4mq Greenhouse, urban device, Switzerland. Commission 2012, completion, 2013.
2012 UF01 BASEL / 400mq Aquaponic Rooftop Farm, Basel, Switzerland. Commission 2010, completion 2012.
2011 TRAMPOLINES SUITE HOTEL / 7.000 cubic meters, 18 rooms four stars suite hotel, 350 seat restaurant in Riccione, Italy. Commission 2008, completion 2011.
2011 THE HUB IMPACT ZURICH / 400mq Co-Working Space for social entrepreneurs, Zurich, Switzerland. Commission 2010, completion 2011.
2021 VIENNA BIENNALE FOR CHANGE 2o21: PLANET LOVE. Climate Care in the Digital Age, Architekturzentrum, Vienna.
2021 CRITICAL CARE, Zentrum Architektur Zürich.
2021 HUMANPONICS, Training for the Future, Biennale of Architecture, Venice, Italy.
2020 SOCIAL DESIGN, Braunschweigischen Landesmuseum, Germany.
2020 PLANT FEVER, CID, Center for Design and Innovation Grand-Hornu, Belgium.
2019 SOCIAL DESIGN, MK&G, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany.
2018 SOCIAL DESIGN, Museum für Gestaltung, Zurich, Switzerland.
2018 SWISS ARTS AWARDS, Art Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
2018 STORIE. Il design Italiano, Triennale Design Museum, Milan, Italy.
2017 999 DOMANDE SULL’ABITARE, Triennale Design Museum, Milan, Italy.
2017 FORM FOLGT PARAGRAPH, Architekturzentrum, Wien, Austria.
2016 XV Biennale di Architettura di Venezia, Italian Pavilion.
2015 Art Container 2015, Steffisburg, Switzerland.
2015 KIDSROOMZOOM 2015, Super Studio Piu', Milano, Salone Del Mobile, Italy.
2014 HOTELLO MATRIMONIALE (separati in casa), Design Saturday, Langenthal, Switzerland.
2014 ARCHITECTURE. WHAT ELSE? Kulturtankstelle Döttingen, Switzerland.
2014 MY PROTOTYPE. Ex Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano Salone del Mobile, Milan, Italy.
2014 KIDSROOMZOOM, Milano Salone del Mobile, Italy.
2013 HOTELLO. SOMNIA ET LABORA, DOCVA via Farini, Fuori Salone 2013, Milano, Italy.
2013 DEGNI DI NOTA. Design Week, Berlin, Germany.
2012 FOSTER CARE, Fuori Salone 2013, Milan, Italy,
2011 EDGE PARK, Parco del Contemporaneo, Venice, Italy.
2011 READYKEA, Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich, Switzerland.
2011 POWER LANDSCAPE, Ness Conference (Nordic Environmental Social Science) Stockholm, Sweden.
2011 DESIGN ROYALE, Mediateca S. Cecilia, Milano, Italy.
2011 HOW TO SURVIVE? Recycle design festival, Soho Factory, Warsaw, Poland.
2010 ITALY UP IN SMOKE, Milano Design Week, Milan, Italy.
2010 TERRA INFIRMA, ISCP, Brooklyn, New York, USA.
2009 FAMA FAME, Hauptbahnhof, Solothurn, Switzerland.
2008 TORINO GEODESIGN, Palafucsas, Turin, Italy.
2007 ANTONIO SCARPONI / CONCEPTUAL DEVICES, (Solo Show) Galleria Contemporaneo, Venezia Mestre, Italy.
2006 ITALIA IN FUMO, Assab One, Milano, Solo Show curated by Art for the World, Italy.
2003 EMPOWERMENT, Museo Villa Croce, Genova, Italy.
2021 A. Scarponi, L’etica laica e lo spirito del post-capitalismo. L’archivio vivente di Adriano Olivetti, in course of publication, Quodlibet, Macerta 2021.
2019 A. Scarponi, Readykea, in Site, Vol. 40, Devices, pp. 69-73.
2019 A. Scarponi, The Knowledge of the Form. An Educational Program Proposal, in AA.VV. edited by Donatella Bernardi, Art, Self & System, SternbergPress, Berlin, 2019, pp. 37-58.
2018 A. Scarponi, ELIOOO, in AA.VV. Storie. Il Design Italiano. Catalogue of the Exhibition, Electa, Milano, p.505.
2018 R. Deluca, A. Scarponi, in AA.VV. 999. Una collezione di domande sull’abitare contemporaneo. Catalogue of the exhibition, pp.7-8.
2016 A. Scarponi, Campo Libero, in AA.VV. Taking Care, Italian Pavilion at XV Biennale di Architettua di Venezia, Becco Giallo Editore, Padova, pp. 184-191.
2016 A. Scarponi, Interview with Catharine Rossi, in Burkhard Meltzer, Tido Von Oppeln, Re-Thinking the Modular. Adaptable System in Architecture and Design. Thames & Hudson, pp. 44-57.
2016 A. Scarponi, Hotello, in AA.VV. Wheel and Deal, Ginko Press, pp. 82-87.
2016 A. Scarponi, ELIOOO, German, French and Russian Edition, 3rdO, Zurich.
2015 A. Scarponi, Aquaponic Farm in Basel, in Landscape Design Magazine China, June issue N.02, 2015, pp.12-15.
2015 A. Scarponi, Profiled Designer, in Axis, Japan, issue July 2015, p. 110.
2014 A. Scarponi, Generic Architecture as Strategic Design for Rooftop Urban Farms, in Pasajes Arquitectura, n.135, November 2014, pp.38-41.
2014 A. Scarponi, ELIOOO, Japanese Edition. Edited by Kione Kochi, 3rdO, Zurich.
2013 A. Scarponi, ELIOOO. How to go to IKEA and Build a Device to Grow Food in your Apartment, 3rdO, Zurich, 2013.
2013 A. Scarponi, The Arduino Starter Kit, in Domus n. 698, April 2013, p. 9.
2013 A. Scarponi, TANTOOO, the fairy tale bean bag, in A. Filippini, Dalla Parte dei Bambini, INTERNI n. 71, April 2013.
2013 A. Scarponi, Tragbares Hotel Zimmer, in BIANCO, Alpine Lifestyle Magazine, Summer Issue, p.10.
2013 A. Scarponi, Hotello, Interiors of Tomorrow, in MD Magazine n.4, 2013, p.20.
2012 A. Scarponi, The Design of Eternal Youth, in Domus N. 959, June 2012.
2012 A. Scarponi, Trampolines Suite Hotel, in L. Ugge', Una Nave Tutta Bianca, in SUITE N. 161, October 2012.
2012 A. Scarponi, entry of Notes on the Synthesis of Form by Christopher Alexander in, M. Biraghi, A. Ferlenga, Architettura del Novecento. Teorie, scuole, eventi, Einaudi,
2012 A. Scarponi, The Dreaming Wall, in Architecture for Humanities, edited by, Design Like you Give a Damn 2. Building Change from the Ground Up. Abrams, New York, 2012, 290- 291.
2012 A. Scarponi, Hub Zurich, Prostor mednarodnih povezav in poslovnega turizma, in HISE, n.74, p.51.
2012 A. Scarponi, The Seventh Continent, in DOMUS N. 962, October 2012.
2012 A. Scarponi, Just Un Do It, in A. Hickey, edited by, A Guidebook of Alternative Nows, The Journal of Aesthetic and Protest Press, Zurich, 2012, pp.107-112.
2012 A. Scarponi, INTERVIEW, in URBAN N. 105, April 2012, pp. 36-37.
2011 A. Scarponi, Design Narrative. Phenomenology of Concrete Storytelling, in Conditions Architecture Magazine, N. 8, 2011.
2011 A. Scarponi, S. Massa, So You Want to Launch an Architectural Competition, in Conditions Architecture Magazine, N. 7, 2011.
2010 A. Scarponi, Just Undo It, in Revista EINA. Cultura Ecologica, N. 14, Valencia, 2010.
2010 A. Scarponi, Just Undo It, in Wired Magazine Italian Edition N. 3, 2010, pp. 118.
2009 A. Scarponi, Wired Unplugged. How to Destroy the First Issue of Wired UK and Make Something with It, in Wired Magazine UK Edition N. 2, 2009.
2009 A. Scarponi, The Last Market, in P. Guadanho, Beyond. Short Stories on the Contemporary N. 1, 2009.
2009 Paolo Tamborrini, Design Sostenibile. Oggetti, Sistemi e Comportamenti. Electa, Milano, 2009, pp. 114-115.
2009 A. Gurung, B. Mc Grath, J. Zha, China and India, Shifting Perspective on Urbanization and Globalization, India and China Institute, New School, New York, 2009, cover image.
2008 L. Tozzi, Antonio Scarponi, Progetto 157, in Abitare N.488 December 2008, pp. 85- 87.
2007 A. Scarponi, The Hypothetical Revolution. Imagining New Forms of Symbolic Order. In Anarchitektur n.18 September 2007, p. 112-114.
2006 A. Branzi, Modernita' Debole e Diffusa. Il mondo del Progetto all'Inizio del XXI Secolo, Skira, Milano, 2006, pp-32-33.
2005 A. Scarponi, Reference Andrea Branzi La Ville Continue Entretien Avec Antonio Scarponi, in AMC Le Moniteur Architecture n. 150 March 2005, pp. 88-94.
2005 AA.VV. ADI Design Index, 2005. Editrice Compositori, Bologna, Italy, 2005, pp. 287.
2005 A. Scarponi, Dreaming Wall, in Architectural Design N. 6, 2005.
2005 A. Scarponi, Political Population World Map, in Grahame Shane, Recombinant Urbanism: Conceptual Modelling in Architecture, Urban Design, and City Design. Wiley & Sons Ltd. Ed., West Sussex, England.
2004 A. Scarponi, X-treme Europe, in Paola Viganó, edited by, New Territories, situations, projects, scenarios for the European city and territory”. Officina Edizioni, Roma, 2004.
2003 A. Scarponi, Political Population World Map, in Anna Daneri, Italian mapping: cartographies and territories, in Version n .4, September 2003.
2002 A. Scarponi, Political Population World Map, in AA.VV., POLIS: Urban(e)motion, catalogue of the exhibition. Edizioni Palazzo Stella, Bologna, 2002.
1999 A. Scarponi, Rimini, in ARCHINT Architettura e Intersezioni, N. 7, October 1999.
1998 A. Scarponi, Manfredo Tafuri, Conversazione sulla Storia e Sulla Architettura, in APERTO, Arti e Mestieri, n. 3, March 1998, p.3.
2019 A. Scarponi, Democracy for Yourself, Interview with Yona Friedman, in Life at Home:
2019 A Scarponi, Giancarlo De Carlo: La Piramide Rovesciata. A Cinquant’anni dalle Contestazioni del 68’, in Doppiozero:
2018 A. Scarponi, A Manifesto for the Home in 10 Objects, in Life at Home:
2018 Jungfrau Pavilion, in Designboom:
2017 A. Scarponi, Yona Friedman: Tetti, in Domus web:
2016 Campo Libero, Antonio Scarponi's mobile device aims to activate the mafia's confiscated lands
2014 ELIOOO, FastCoExist
2014 Globe/Hedron, Ouchi Saien
2014 Urban Farm Basel, DesignBoom
2014 ELIOOO, South China Morning Post:
2014 Orto Perpetuo, Domus
2014 Urban Farm Basel, FastcoExist
2013 Hotello, in Designboom
2013 Hotello, Frame Magazine
2013 Hotello, Inhabitat
2013 Hotello, in ABCNEWS hotel-room-on-the-go/
2013 ELIOO, Swissmiss
2013 Hotello, in CNA China
2013 Hotello, ART TRIBUNE modalita-di-scambio/7_hotello/
2012 Hedron, DesignBoom the-globe-rooftop-urban-farm/
2012 Hedron, Archidaily
2012 Hedron, ThreeHugger ups-ante-urban-agriculture.html
2012 Hedron, Abitare Magazine globehedron
2012 ELIOOO, Inhabitat
2012 Trampolines, Designboom.