Teaching / academic work experience
2021 - today
Research Associate at the Institute for Design Research, Departement Design, Zurich University of the ArtsHealth related Design research in the context of the DDE
Health Cluster and specifically for the
Digital Health Design Living Lab.
2018 - 2022
Planning and Teaching of Higher Education Courses in the framework of the
Summer and Winter School, Center for Further Education, ZHdK on the topic of
Health Design Thinktank, Circular Design, Design for the Elderly and
Social Design.
2015 - 2022
Deputy Head Master of Arts in Design, Departement Design, Zurich University of the ArtsPlanning and Coordination of Design Interdisciplinary programme, modules and events.
2020 - 2022
Co-Planning and Teaching of seminar
Social Design - Eine Einführung for Bachelor Students at the
School of Social Work, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences.
2015 - 2020
Research Associate (former Assistant) at Master of Arts in Design, Specialization Product Design, Departement Design, Zurich University of the ArtsTeaching, mentoring/monitoring, organisation of workshops, exhibitions and events.
Research on
Design for Health, in collaboration with the
University Hospital Zurich USZ.
Research and workshops on
Frugal Design - the potential of the thrifty, in the framework of the 2nd International Hub of the Design Departement, Zurich University of the Arts, in collaboration with Naga Nandini, Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore, India
International Design Summer School 2016
Frugal Design, ZHdK, Zurich and 2017
Elder & Younger ZHdK, with Srishti, NID Ahmedaba, organised by Jiangnan University, in Wuxi, China
International Design Workshops 2015
Intencity, ZHdK, with Connecting Spaces, HDKI Desis Lab for Social Design Research, in Hong Kong
Practical work experience
2022 - today
Creative Consultant and Designer at uma collective, ZurichExploring the potential of interdisciplinary approaches to tackle the challenges in health services with a focus on co-creation, human-centered design methods and a creative mindset.
2007 - 2017
Designer at Pour les Alpes GmbH, ZurichConcept and Product development and Design, furniture and accessories in collaboration with Swiss craftspeople, exclusive client gifts.
2013 - 2015
Nuts on Circles / WerkZeugeResearch, product development and design for people with dementia. In collaboration with care home and foundation Sonnweid, Wetzikon
2014 Award
Die zweite Realität by Stiftung Sonnweid
2009 - 2011
Designer at Designculture AG, ZurichProject Management and Design of Products and Interior Designs
2007 - 2009
Designer at Beat Karrer Studio, ZürichProduct and Furniture Design
International Design Workshops 2008
Manufactured Nature, with Beat Karrer und Vitra Design Museum, in Boisbuchet, France
Academic training
2017 - 2018
CAS Hochschuldidaktik, Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich2011 - 2013
Master Studies in Product Design, Royal College of Arts, London, UK
MA Design ProductFinal Project
Nuts on Circles - an emotive tool for a person with dementia
The authentic object2002 - 2006
Industrial Design Studies, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Aarau
Diplom Designer FHFinal project
Eu vegn davo pigna - a heated bench.
Tradition und kulturelles Erbe der Schweizer Alpen, Eine Untersuchung charakteristischer Motive und Objekte