Maëlle Cornut is a Swiss visual artist and an artistic researcher. She holds a MFA of the CCC research-based master program from the HEAD - Haute École d’Art et de Design de Genève.
Publikationen / Diskografie / Ausstellungen / Werke
2023 Embodied landscape, Villa Renata, Bâle
2022 Art x Science Talk, with Dr Gianalberto Losapio (UNIL), DOCK, Basel, CH
2022 Prix Fondation Irène Reymond
2021 Alliances, outdoor solo show, University Hospitals Geneva, CH
2021 Workshop and mediation residency, CRAC Alsace, France
2021 Womanhouse, Manoir de la ville de Martigny, CH
2019 Futurs Incertains, Musée d’art de Pully, CH
2018 Mass in Motion Residency, Matza Aletsch, Aletsch Glacier, CH
2017 Junkunst, Winterthur, CH
2016 Accrochage [Vaud 2016], Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, CH