Digital beings are becoming more and more similar to humans and start to behave like actors. But how do we perceive these artificial characters performed by real actors? Artists and experts from the Performing Arts, Film, Media Philosophy, Neuroscience, Computer Science and Game Design will discuss the challenges for future acting in an open discourse. The conference is connected to the interdisciplinary research project «Actor and Avatar» funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Day # 1
Thursday, 29 August 2019
- 09:00 Registration at Room 5.K11
- 09:30 Introduction by Prof. Anton Rey, Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Thomas Grunwald, Prof. Dr. Dieter Mersch at Room 5.K12
- 10:00 Keynote 1 by Prof. Dr. Beatrice de Gelder, Maastricht University
- 11:15 Session 1: Facing the Avatar
Lorena Kegel, Swiss Epilepsy Center Zurich
Prof. Dr. Marianne Schmid Mast, University of Lausanne
Dr. Alexander Gerner, Faculdade de Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa (CFCUL) - 14:00 Keynote 2 by Prof. Dr. Pia Tikka, Tallinn University
- 15:15 Session 2: Performing the Avatar
Colleen Rae Holmes, OAA- Konservatorium für Schauspiel Wien, and Prof. Markus Wintersberger, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Walk to I.A [space]: Performance Capture Workshop with Neil Newbon (Performance Capture Academy, London) - 18:30 Panel Discussion presented by Prof. Anton Rey
- 19:30 Opening of Interactive Avatar Exhibition
- 21:00 End of first day
Day # 2
Friday, 30 August 2019
- 09:00 Guided Tour by Miriam Loertscher and Dr. Teresa Sollfrank at Interactive Avatar Exhibition
- 10:00 Keynote 3 by Prof. Dr. Martina Hessler, TU Darmstadt
- 11:15 Session 3: Mind-wandering the Uncanny Valley
Prof. Dr. Hennric Jokeit, Swiss Epilepsy Center Zurich
LaTurboAvedon, Avatar Artist and Curator
Prof. Dr. Mark Coeckelbergh, University of Vienna - 14:15 Session 4: Animating the Virtual
René Bauer, Game Design at Zurich University of the Arts
Matthias Wittmann, Digital Domain Los Angeles
Dr. Thabo Beeler, Disney Research|Studios - 16:00 Performance by Corinne Soland
- 17:00 Panel Discussion presented by Prof. Dr. Dieter Mersch
- 17:45 Closing Remarks
- 18:00 End of second day
Contact and (voluntary) registration:
conference.ipf@zhdk.chFree admission to the conference. Research project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
Rooms: 5.K12 (Talks), 5.K11 (Exhibition), I.A [space] (Workshop)
Organized by the IPF - Institute for the Performing Arts and Film (Prof. Anton Rey, Miriam Loertscher, Eunjeong Gross, Bernadette Kolonko, Michel Weber) and the ith - Institute for Critical Theory (Prof. Dr. Dieter Mersch, Katrin Stowasser, Dr. Jörg Sternagel) from Zurich University of the Arts in Cooperation with Swiss Epilepsy Center / Klinik Lengg AG (Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Thomas Grunwald, Lorena Kegel, Dr. Teresa Sollfrank, Oona Kohnen, Prof. Dr. Hennric Jokeit, Dr. Peter Hilfiker, Prof. Dr. med. Martin Kurthen).