Project idea
Please outline a research-oriented project idea relevant to your chosen major (max. 2 A4 pages). The project description should identify your interests, provide a situation analysis, and clarify your approach. If necessary, please submit additional documents to support your project idea and note the specific requirements of your major in the next section. The submitted project idea may, but need not, be part of your future Master’s programme.
Please note the explanations on the project idea for your major:
Game Design
Outline your considerations regarding the game mechanics and the function of the planned artifact (game) as well as the intended target group. In addition, describe how the artifact will contribute to the research project and, conversely, how your research will advance the artifact.
Interaction Design
Please outline a research-oriented project idea relevant to your chosen major (max. 2 A4 pages). The project description should identify your research interests, provide a situation analysis, and clarify your designerly approach. Please refer to appropriate literature and similar projects. If necessary, please submit additional documents to support your project idea, such as sketches, visualizations, photography or illustrations. The submitted project idea may, but need not, be part of your future Master’s studies.
Knowledge Visualization
Please outline a research-oriented project idea relevant to your chosen major (max. 2 A4 pages). The project description should identify your research interests, provide a situation analysis, and clarify your designerly approach. Please refer to appropriate literature and similar projects. If necessary, please submit additional documents to support your project idea, such as sketches, visualizations, photography or illustrations. The submitted project idea may, but need not, be part of your future Master’s studies.
Industrial Design
Outline your major-specific research interest on a maximum of two A4 pages. Describe how you would like to deal with your research topic in a creative and practice-oriented way. If necessary, supplement your submission with additional visual media, such as process visualizations, mood boards, etc. In addition, suggest which possible minor programs would strengthen your interest in design.
Trends & Identity
Try to make the project idea (or several) tangible using concrete phenomena. Locate the project proposal in the central concepts of the subject area and give examples of the scope for development. In addition, suggest which potential minor programs would strengthen your project idea(s). Process visualizations, mappings and moodboards, which visually describe the research-oriented design concerns, are welcome as visual argumentation.
Visual Communication
Please outline a research-oriented project idea relevant to your chosen major (max. 2 A4 pages). The project description should identify your research interests, provide a situation analysis, and clarify your designerly approach. The research aspects of the project idea must be clearly worked out and specified. Please refer to appropriate literature and similar projects. If necessary, please submit additional documents to support your project idea, such as sketches, visualizations, photography or illustrations. The submitted project idea may, but need not, be part of your future Master’s studies.
Portfolio/reference list
Please enclose a list of design projects or projects from your previous field of activity in which you were significantly involved. These can be:
– Projects from your previous studies
– Projects from your design practice, undertaken either while you were employed at a design agency or as a self-employed designer
– Research projects
– Projects with a theoretical orientation
If possible, please add images to illustrate your projects.
The portfolio/reference list must be submitted digitally (PDF or link) – except for the Master Major in Visual Communication, where submission can be digital or physical. Physical portfolios should be sent to the address below by the application deadline.
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Sekretariat Master Design
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
8031 Zürich
For information about collecting the portfolio please contact Bettina Hannwacker.