Operations Manager
Sandra Nussberger
Sandra Nussberger received her training in modern and contemporary dance at the Iwanson School in Munich, after which she appeared in several productions directed by Jenny Coogan. She was “artiste choréographic” at Molteni’s in Zurich, under the artistic direction of Philipp Egli.
Between 1997 and 2005, Sandra Nussberger worked as a guest instructor for professional contemporary dance and a freelance choreographer; her projects received private and public funding.
Until 2007, she taught contemporary dance at Zurich Dance Academy, and she was head of the MAS Dance Education at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) from 2006–2011.
She has been the operations manager and part of the management of Zurich Dance Academy since 2009.
Sandra Nussberger was a member of the taZ interim management team from 2022 until 2024.