Marijke Hoogenboom is trained in theatre studies (FU Berlin, Universiteit van Amsterdam), worked as dramaturg and curator and was from 2003 until 2019 professor at the Amsterdam University of the Arts and the Academy of Theatre and Dance, The Netherlands. She was a co-founder of DasArts and the head of the University’s cross faculty Artist-in-Residence program, the head of Research of the Academy of Theatre and Dance, and since 2016 the leader of DAS Graduate School, where she initiated the 3rd Cycle program THIRD.
She was an advisor for the Dutch Fund for Performing Arts, the chair of the board of Veem House for Performance, and is currently part of the Council of the Berlin Centre for Arts and Sciences (UdK), the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts, and on the Advisory Board of the Research Hub of Uniarts Helsinki. Also she is on the Editorial Board of the Routledge Journal Performance Research and FORUM+ (Art & Research in the Low Countries), and was a member of the Steering Group of ARIAS, Amsterdam Research Institute in Arts and Sciences. Marijke has co-initiated Het Transitiebureau, the Cultuurparlement van de Lage Landen and De Agenda, three critical platforms in the Netherlands with and for a diverse group of professionals from the field. Also she is the co-editor of the Nederlands Theater Jaarboek. In 2008 she received the Marie-Kleine Gartman Pen for artists and theatre commentators from the Dutch Stage Association. In 2010 a SIA Raak Grant for the international research project Inside Movement Knowledge. And in 2018 the Comenius Senior Fellowship Grant from the Netherlands Initiative for Education Research.
Publikationen / Diskografie / Ausstellungen / Werke
Publications include Archeological expectation high, The transformation of Grootlab into a place for arts education (“Traces of Time”, 2016). Walking in a different way and No connection without contamination (’’rekto:verso 69“, 2015). Wie verändert der Bologna Prozess die künstlerische Ausbildung, (“Wie? Wofür? Wie weiter? Ausbildung für das Theater von morgen“, Berlin 2012). If artistic research is the answer - what is the question? Some notes on a new trend in art education (“Practice and Research, Cairon 13, Journal of Dance Studies“, 2010), Building with blocks (“Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, Vol. 1(1)“, 2010. And as editor the Nederlands Theater Jaarboek 2016, 2017, 2018, the series Gesprekken met Makers (De Nieuwe Toneelbibliotheek, since 2014), From TINA to TAMARA, Radio Futura-Het Boek (2014), Na(ar) het theater, After Theatre?, Supplements to the international conference on postdramatic theatre (2007).