Since 2023, Chantelle has been part of the leadership team at School of Commons, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK), overseeing communications and supporting the Public Program and Alumn* Network.
Chantelle is a facilitator and researcher, based in London and Manzini, interested in margins, liminality, otherness, and kinship. Her expanded practice focuses on the intersections of self-organised practices, archival projects and the internet age—emphasising commoning as praxis.
At School of Commons, her role focuses on ensuring public access to and disseminating knowledge related to the outcomes, outputs, processes, and practices generated through and by the SoC program, while advocating for alternative ways of working and doing. Drawing on her research UBUNGXENYE (Parthood), she creatively directed the development of SoC's new website. This digital garden and directory for ecosystems serves as a communal environment and resource for collectively exploring and supplementing (infra)structures for peer learning and collaborative work.
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