
Transdisciplinary Studies in the Arts

The “Transdisciplinary Studies in the Arts” minor focuses on the interfaces between the different sectors of art and design and their connections to society and the world we live in. It is aimed at Master’s students who would like to develop the profile of their work in an interdisciplinary environment.

  • Study level


  • Coursework basic / advanced

    15 / 30 credits

  • Teaching language

    German / English

  • Start of studies

    Every autumn and spring semester

  • Number of study places



Course content
The Minor “Transdisciplinary Studies in the Arts” is aimed at Master’s students at ZHdK who see themselves practising at the interface between the different sectors of art and design or in the connections with society and the world we live in. They would like to position their work in an interdisciplinary environment whose medial, discursive, institutional or social configuration is not already defined. They explore possible contextualizations of their projects and learn about the various associated perceptions, interpretations, criteria and effects. 

The Minor “Transdisciplinary Studies in the Arts” enables students to employ skills from their majors in studying and cooperating with other sectors of art and design and other professional and social fields for topics and issues that are not guided by disciplinary systems and specializations. Participants explore transdisciplinary working methods and forms of discourse. They examine the potential of aesthetic and artistic processes for problems of the world we live in through their own projects and supervised practice formats and investigate forms of cooperation between different artistic subjects in exemplary work projects.

Graduates are capable of: 
–  Identifying the transdisciplinary potential of their subject and placing it in contexts outside their own discipline;
–  Articulating their own position and negotiating and asserting it in dialogue with representatives of other disciplines;
–  Employing aesthetic and artistic strategies in interdisciplinary projects.

Admissions requirements
The Minor “Transdisciplinarity in the Arts” is aimed at all Master’s students of ZHdK who would like to combine content, formats, media and competencies from their Major with those from other disciplines and contexts.

Language skills required.
You need the following languages to take this minor:
–  German or English: to be able to follow a discussion
–  German or English: to actively participate in a verbal exchange
–  English: to understand a text
–  German or English: to write a text

Special features of the course
The Minor can be taken in various forms – on a cursory basis with reference to the curriculum of the Major “Transdisciplinary Studies in the Arts” or with a focus on an individual project assignment which is transdisciplinary in nature.

The Minor “Transdisciplinary Studies in the Arts” may be undertaken consecutively. Combining the two Minors “Transdisciplinary Studies in the Arts – Basic” (15 credits) and “Transdisciplinary Studies in the Arts – Advanced” (15 credits) leads to an in-depth understanding of transdisciplinary working methods in the field of the arts.

Time structure
The compulsory modules of the Minor “Transdisciplinary Studies in the Arts” take place during the Minor Weeks. The elective modules can be attended on Friday afternoon. Introduction: Friday evening, September 20, 2024.

→  More about the Minor Transdisciplinary Studies  in the Arts – basic (PDF-Download)
→  More about the Minor Transdisciplinary Studies in the Arts – advanced (PDF-Download)

Q&A session

During a digital Q&A session, individual questions can be asked about the minor programme, the content and the organisational framework:

Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 17.00-18.00 via Zoom (to the registration)


Major-Minor Programme Model

At ZHdK, students choose a Major. In addition to this core subject, they can choose one or two Minors to deepen or expand their major skills and knowledge across various disciplines. This wide choice of courses is unique in Europe and enables students to develop and sharpen their individual profile.


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Transdisciplinary Studies in the Arts