Course structure.
Interaction design basics
Students acquire basic design, craft and technical skills: 2D visual design, 3D object/experience design, audiovisual design, programming, physical computing.
People-centred design
On the basis of holistic product and service developments, students learn and apply user-centred methods: ethnographic field research, participatory design, bodystorming, prototyping, video scenarios, wire framing, user testing, etc.
Aesthetic exploration
Students conduct research into the conception, drafting and prototypical implementation of interactive data visualizations, temporary spatial interventions and human-robot interactions.
Space and services
Students develop holistic interaction experiences, which they then make tangible in the form of prototypes and video in space.
Embodied and situated interactions
Physical, multisensorial interfaces and visual mobile interfaces are developed while taking different aspects into consideration.
Theory and context
The major-specific content is supplemented with a department-wide range of courses. Excursions are organized to get to know all the different aspects that make up everyday working life.
Practical work with other majors
Learn how to act and work in interdisciplinary design teams. Students formulate and implement joint ideas on a current issue, learn how to communicate design processes, and get across their understanding of design in discussions with others.
Graduation project
Write a thesis and complete a creative-practical graduation project in the form of a prototype. Support is provided in the form of mentoring sessions.