The four universities of the Canton of Zurich collaborate on the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Highe Education Institutions (DIZH), to run from 2020 to 2029. University of Zurich (UZH), Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZ) aim to build networks in the areas of research, innovation and education. The Canton supports this initiative with special funding of CHF 108.3 million, with the entire volume of DIZH amounting to CHF 300 million over ten years.
In the framework of the DIZH, members of the universities work together on interdisciplinary projects which critically examine aspects of digital transformatiom from a number of different perspectives. At the core of the initiative is a notion of “digitalization” which focuses on the human and societal aspects of digital change.
ZHdK activities within the DIZH initiative
ZHdK contributes to the DIZH in the interdisciplinary areas of “Immersive Arts” and “Creative Economies”. Its experts on these subjects are already very well connected internally and regularly collaborate across departments. In the framework of the DIZH, they raise topics with a broader scope, on which they will benefit from the colloboration with experts from the other universities.
The universities’ pledge to collaborate and to coordinate their efforts under the DIZH will also facilitate the promotion of digital skills, which is in the remit of the programme Digital Skills & Spaces at ZHdK.
Research cluster
Area of focus: “Immersive Arts”
The Immersive Arts Space brings together digital media technologies and interactive principles, in order to develop new practices in design and the arts.
Prof. Christian Iseli
Immersive Arts Space
Area of focus: “Creative Economies”
The field of “Creative Economies” is concerned with exploring the creation of value(s) and the economies of assessment in the era of digitalization and at the intersection of culture, economics and science. Main areas of focus are cultural policy, criticism, smart cities, creative entrepreneurship and career paths in design and the arts.
Prof. Dr. Frédéric Martel
Zurich Center for Creative Economies
Innovation programme
Project funding
Under the innovation programme, ZHdK researchers and those from partner universities have the opportunity to submit joint project proposals in design, theory, communication and the arts.
Life-long learning
Programme Digital Skills & Spaces
The programme Digital Skills & Spaces promotes skills for the digital era, covering areas such as participation, production, team work and personal development.
Renato Soldenhoff
"Digital Skills & Spaces” programme
DIZH contacts at ZHdK
Prof. Dr. Thomas D. Meier, represents ZHdK on the DIZH Steering Committee
Dr. Susanne Schumacher, represents ZHdK on the DIZH Management Board