Lucas Bennett: Scientific texts: writing, reception and critique
Daniel Bisig: Application of machine learning for music and dance, Generative and immersive audiovisual spaces, Computer Vision and Motion Tracking
Peter Färber: Moving sound sources
Rama Gottfried: Composition, Spatial Performance (Sound Art, Object Theater, Expanded Cinema), Experimental Music, Instrumental Systems, Interactive performance
Hanna Järveläinen: Auditory and multisensory perception, Haptic perception and interaction, Experimental (quantitative) research
Marcus Maeder: Acoustic Ecology, Ecoacoustics and Soundscape Ecology, Field Recording
Stefano Papetti: Physics-based sound synthesis, Haptic perception and interaction
Sébastien Schiesser: Hardware prototyping, sensors, musical interfaces, instrument design, real-time embedded systems
Johannes Schütt: Studio practice and composition in 3D audio and Ambisonics
Christian Schweizer: Software development, Hardware prototyping
Germán Toro Pérez: Instrumental and electroacoustic composition, performance practice of electroacoustic music