Kosmas Giannoutakis
Kosmas Giannoutakis ist 2025 Artist in Residence am ICST und entwickelt während seiner zweiwöchigen Residenz ein Stück für Live-Coding und den Klavierautomaten.
In seiner Live-Coding-Praxis integriert Giannoutakis MIDI-Controller, Gestenerkennungssysteme und ein Brain-Computer-Interface zur Messung seiner Hirnströme. Damit erweitert er sein performatives Repertoire und betont die Aspekte von Verkörperung und Live-Performance.
Sein Werk wird Giannoutakis im Rahmen des Klavier- und Pedalautomaten-Konzerts am 8. April im Kunstraum Walcheturm präsentieren. Im ICST Artist Talk gibt er Einblicke in seine künstlerische Arbeit.
Kosmas Giannoutakis is a composer, media artist, computer musician, and researcher. He holds a PhD in Electronic Arts from the Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and a Master of Arts in computer music at the Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM). His artistic and scholarly work explores alternative modes of musicking, intra-acting with contemporary advancements in technology, including Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Ledger Technology, as well as theoretical frameworks, such as critical posthumanities and speculative materialisms.
His artistic practice spans sonic and audiovisual domains, encompassing algorithmic composition, live electronics, robotic and interactive installations, film music, and AI-filmmaking. He specializes in computer-generated media, live coding, and telematic performances, often incorporating AI techniques and systematic processes of collaborative composition.
His work has been presented at major international conferences including the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) in Utrecht, Limerick, and Santiago, International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC) in Utrecht, ALIFE Conference in Tokyo, XCoAx Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X in Lisbon and Weimar, Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium, and the “klingt gut!” Symposium on Sound in Hamburg. His pieces have been featured at renowned festivals such as Ars Electronica Festival, San Francisco Tape Music Festival, Gaudeamus Muziekweek in Utrecht, Matera Intermedia Festival, New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, Ecos Urbanos Festival, EviMus6, and the Silicon Valley International Contemporary Art Exhibition. Distinguished institutions across Europe and North America have hosted his performances and installations, including ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien), EMPAC (Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center), BEAST (Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre), Institute of Sonology, Lydgalleriet, and Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory. www.kosmasgiannoutakis.art