Roman Page is a research fellow and data analyst at the Zurich Centre for Creative Economies (ZCCE). His work focuses on mapping and analysing the Creative Economies with data. Prior to ZHdK, he worked as data analyst at the Statistical Office Canton of Zurich, as client & market analyst at UBS and as research fellow at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW).
Roman Page holds a Master’s degree in social and economic sciences.
Contributions (Selection):
Editor of the ZCCE data websites
Les empreintes créatives. Économie culturelle et créative genevoise, ZCCE, ZHdK, 2023
ELIA Biennial, Careers in the arts, ZHdK SkillMatcher, ZCCE, ZHdK, 2022
Ist der kulturelle Sektor systemrelevant?, Jahresbericht 2020, ZCCE, ZHdK, 2021
Research Note n°3 (2020), "Sleeping Beauty" III, The Swiss Creative Economy: Some statistics-based reflections on the current debates in Switzerland, ZCCE, ZHdK, 2020
Non-Paper III: Narrative Strategien für die Creative Economies, CreativeEconomies research venture, ZHdK, 2019
Kreativwirtschaftsbericht Bodensee. Wertschöpfung zwischen Kultur, Wirtschaft und Technologie, CreativeEconomies research venture, ZHdK, 2019
3rd Creative Economies Report Switzerland 2018, Entrepreneurial Strategies for a Positive Economy, CreativeEconomies research venture, ZHdK, 2018
Zürcher Cluster-Bericht 2016: Daten, Fakten und Akteure, Kanton Zürich, 2016
Zweiter Kreativwirtschaftsbericht Schweiz 2016. Von der Kreativwirtschaft zu den Creative Economies, CreativeEconomies reserach venture, ZHdK, 2016
Migration in the Greater Zurich Region. Working paper. United Nations Economic Commission of Europe, Conference of European Statisticians, Group of Experts on Migration Statistics, Chisinau, 2014
Highly-Qualified Female Labour Force Potentials in the Greater Zurich Region. Working paper. United Nations Economic Commission of Europe, Conference of European Statisticians, Group of Experts on Gender Statistics, Geneva, 2014
Cluster-Bericht 2011–2013: Daten, Fakten und Akteure, Kanton Zürich, 2014
Kreativwirtschaftsbericht Schweiz 2014, CreativeEconomies research venture, ZHdK, 2014
Immigration in the Zurich Labour Market. Working paper. United Nations Economic Commission of Europe, Conference of European Statisticians, Group of Experts on Migration Statistics, Geneva, 2012
Gender Pay Gap and Wage Discrimination in the Greater Zurich Region. Working paper. United Nations Economic Commission of Europe, Conference of European Statisticians, Group of Experts on Gender Statistics, Geneva, 2012
Dritter Kreativwirtschaftsbericht Zürich, Die Bedeutung der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft für den Standort Zürich, ZHdK, 2010