AVEC Experiment investigates audiovisual perception of music performance. Specifically, the experiment measures the two well-established dimensions of emotion perception, arousal and valence, and an additional third dimension, effort. It is hypothesisez that 1) arousal and effort perception are related, and 2) the visual channel has an important role in conveying arousal and effort cues. The general suitability of valence in measuring emotion perception in contemporary repertoire is investigated.
AVEC Experiment investigates audiovisual perception of music performance. Specifically, the experiment measures the two well-established dimensions of emotion perception, arousal and valence, and an additional third dimension, effort. It is hypothesisez that 1) arousal and effort perception are related, and 2) the visual channel has an important role in conveying arousal and effort cues. The general suitability of valence in measuring emotion perception in contemporary repertoire is investigated.