As part of a Consortia for Research and Education (COFER) under the leadership of University of Zurich, members of the Knowledge Visualization research group will visualize the topic of Climate Adaptation for use in universities and other educational settings.
Climate change poses unprecedented and increasing risks to life, livelihoods and ecosystems, and, as recognized by the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 on “Climate Action”, it represents the single biggest challenge to sustainable development and is disproportionately affecting the developing world. However, to address the challenge in its full complexity it is crucial to move beyond common forms of knowledge production and dissemination towards approaches of joint knowledge production (JKP) where researchers, policy makers and groups of civil society engage and cooperate in a framework of different forms of knowledge to ultimately negotiate adaptation. The goal of this COFER is to initiate and foster JKP processes to achieve a solid basis for the development of responses to climate change at the academic level (partners from Switzerland and the South) and at the academic institutions’ interface with implementation (practice and policy).