Spillover Workshop #4 – AI – Philosophy - Arts
8 September 2022, 11.00 - 12.30
Room 5.K10
Moderation and Facilitation: Fabian Goppelsroeder, Professor of philosophy/aesthetics, comparatist and freelance writer
Katrin Stowasser, Research Assistant and PhD candidate at FSP Aesthetics at DKV ZHdK
Workshop member:
Birgitte Kofod Olsen, Human Rights Lawyer and holds a Ph.D. in Privacy and Biometrics, Partner and Co-Owner of the General Management Consulting Firm, Carve Consulting
Gunter Loesel, Theater Scholar, Actor and Psychologist at the Institute of Performing Arts and Film, ZHdK
The comprehensive technologization of all areas of life in our time raises philosophical-fundamental and quite pragmatic questions. How should we behave towards a reality that is increasingly organized by algorithms and artificial intelligence? Where are the limits of the human? What exactly is the mode of existence of technical objects, how is it currently changing, and what consequences does this have for our relationship to them?
The French philosopher Gilbert Simondon posed this question long before smartphones and wearables, deep tech and internet 2.0 in the 1950s: Why do we grant rights to aesthetic objects, works of art, that we deny to technical objects? Don't we finally have to give them the space they seem to demand through their growing presence in our everyday life? 70 years after Simondon, at a time when robots such as the humanoid 'Sophia' developed by the Hong Kong company Hanson Robotics are granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia, this question has gained even more relevance and urgency. The technology, which increasingly appears as an self-governed actor, is becoming a supposedly autonomous counterpart; with philosophically and legally far-reaching consequences.
In the workshop, these will be discussed speculatively, aesthetically-practically and formally-legally. The different perspectives will be brought together in a pointed position paper.