Common Grounds – Art and Ecology
The minor questions the conditions for a common ground as a space for action and freedom that strengthens living beings and their mutual relationships. Artistic action encourages us to open our eyes beyond the boundaries of categories and disciplines and to link the seemingly most distant with one another.
Study level
BA and MA
15 / 30 credits
Teaching language
Start of studies
Every autumn semester
Number of study places
Course content
“Common Grounds – Art and Ecology” is aimed at students from a wide range of artistic disciplines who would like to extend their practice with new thinking and action spaces and also get their own projects off the ground. The focus is on artistic practice and is positioned in the context of the ecological crisis and in relation to necessary societal changes. The Minor assesses different procedures, such as how to promote conceptual, intuitive or collaborative practices with regard to their effects and potential to promote societal developments. Artistic processes can give rise to new forms of perception and expression, and generate new solutions in the process. To this end, participants hone and differentiate their perception of the forms of expression and manifestations that occur in different habitats. The programme includes input, workshops and experimental formats; students also have the opportunity to realize individual projects.
Skills acquired in the course
After completing the Minor, ...
– participants will have extended the context of their own artistic practice by new procedures and methods;
– participants will understand how to develop a stance on current societal issues with their artistic work and to refine it by taking a different perspective, talking with others and reflecting on it;
– participants will understand that they are part of a group or an ecosystem and be able to incorporate, follow and integrate different positions.
Admissions requirements
“Common Grounds – Art and Ecology” is aimed at students who have already gained initial experience with their own artistic projects and would like to critically reflect on and broaden their own practice.
Students are also expected to be open to unexpected and experimental approaches, and keen to realize joint projects that explore ecological challenges, different realities and other means of expression.
Language skills required.
You need the following languages to take this minor:
– German: to be able to follow a discussion
– German or English: to actively participate in a verbal exchange
– German or English: to understand a text
– German or English: to write a text
Benefits of studying at ZHdK
The Minor gives students time and space to incorporate their own topics, question their societal relevance and implement them in projects. They receive a lot of different input on working methods and approaches for art and ecology. Some projects and workshops take place outside ZHdK at places such as Valle Onsernone, Vals Valley and the ortoloco gardening cooperative in Dietlikon. The Minor is accompanied by experienced lecturers from the industry in the Art Education degree programme.
Time structure
The minor “Common Grounds – Art and Ecology” starts before the regular fall semester with three consecutive block weeks from week 34 to 36. It continues during the semester on Friday afternoons. The basic minor concludes in January with three block weeks from week 2 to 4. The advanced minor is continued consecutively in the spring semester and concludes in week 24.
This minor was previously called “Artistic Practice. Art, Education and Ecology”.
→ More information about the Minor “Common Grounds – Art and Ecology – basic” (PDF download)
→ More information about the Minor “Artistic Practice. Art, Education and Ecology – advanced” (PDF download)
Q&A session
During a digital Q&A session, individual questions can be asked about the minor programme, the content and the organisational framework:
Tuesday, 15 April 2025, 17.30-18.30 via Zoom (to the registration)
Major-Minor Programme Model
At ZHdK, students choose a Major. In addition to this core subject, they can choose one or two Minors to deepen or expand their major skills and knowledge across various disciplines. This wide choice of courses is unique in Europe and enables students to develop and sharpen their individual profile.