
Health Design

The “Health Design” minor considers the topic of health in our society from a variety of design perspectives. It teaches the basics at the intersection of design and medicine, care, rehabilitation, spirituality and self-care, analyzing the current situation and formulating future health scenarios.

  • Study level

    BA and MA

  • Coursework

    15 credits

  • Main teaching language


  • Start of studies

    Every autumn semester

  • Number of study places



Course content.
Explore a range of phenomena related to the topic of healthy living and play a part in designing the future of health. Nowadays, the “health” megatrend is permeating all areas of our lives. This health boom is reflected in trends such as work-life blending, New Work, the mindfulness movement, sleeping apps, Femtech, healing architecture, as well as organic food, e-bikes and resilient ageing. 

This has seen the emergence of a large number of new areas of activity and tasks in the field of design. The “Health Design” minor questions concepts such as “sick” and “healthy“ and views body and mind as one. You will reflect on both health-conscious lifestyles and those permeated by illness, and investigate the trends of “healthy living”, the latest technologies, visual languages and social innovations. Current developments and strategic and speculative design concepts are researched, combined into a health report, and concepts for new services, products, technology and visualizations designed.

The “Health Design” minor, offered by the Subject Area Trends & Identity, is taught in German and English and is aimed at Bachelor’s and Master’s students.

Skills acquired in the course.
The minor provides design students with deep insights into the design and healthcare areas of activity. It consists of the following modules: Health Exploration, Health Reporting, Health Speculation, Health Communication and Health Exhibition.

Admissions requirements.
“Health Design” is open to all students at ZHdK and is recommended for students who would like to explore the living environments and design spaces of health in a practical, research-oriented, and future-oriented manner and in close exchange with cooperation partners and innovators. Ideally, you already dealt with health-related topics (e.g. prevention, rehabilitation, care for relatives, alternative medicine, coaching, (self-)care and nursing, etc.) in professional or private settings.

Language skills required.
You need the following languages to take this minor:
–  German: to be able to follow a discussion
–  German: to actively participate in a verbal exchange
–  German or English: to understand a text
–  German or English: to write a text

Benefits of studying this minor.
The “Health Design” minor combines different types of expertise as well as national and international networks across various design disciplines that have been conducting applied research for many years and developing their profile at the interface of health and design. You will have the opportunity to talk to established designers in the field, make contacts and collect disciplinary or inter- or transdisciplinary ideas for possible graduation projects. 

Time structure.
Autumn Semester:
From calendar week 38, Friday afternoons between 1pm and 5pm until calendar week 51
Minor block during calendar weeks 02–04, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm

Spring Semester:
Minor block during calendar weeks 08–10, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm
From calendar week 11, Friday afternoons between 1pm and 5pm until calendar week 15

More information about this minor (PDF download)


Minor Coordination

Major-Minor Programme Model

At ZHdK, students choose a Major. In addition to this core subject, they can choose one or two Minors to deepen or expand their major skills and knowledge across various disciplines. This wide choice of courses is unique in Europe and enables students to develop and sharpen their individual profile.


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Health Design