Expanded Choreography
Discover the choreographic structures of your art form. Design new formats in transdisciplinary groups, experimenting with space and time throughout the process. Discover choreographic skills as an artistic principle.
Study level
15 credits
Teaching language
Start of studies
Every autumn semester
Number of study places
Course content.
In this minor, Master’s students from various departments of ZHdK explore the concept of Expanded Choreography as an artistic principle, permeating through each art form. The focus is on teaching practical choreographic skills to encourage the creation of transdisciplinary artistic work. The structure of the minor systematically introduces the concept and thus also the term of Expanded Choreography. Therefore the object «dance», which is traditionally understood to be the performance of a choreography by human bodies on a stage, is extended and replaced by (im)material objects, a conceptual idea or interaction with the audience. The Expanded Choreography concept is based on traditional choreographic work and is then adapted to the respective art form or adds a transdisciplinary aspect. The «Expanded Choreography» minor reacts to the increased demand for choreographic skills in artistic fields such as visual arts, design, film, theatre, music and art education.
The minor, offered by the Dance discipline is taught in English and aimed at Bachelor’s and Master’s students. It is open to all departments and offered once a year.
Skills acquired in the course.
– Reassess how you view, produce and teach artistic processes and products by taking a choreographic perspective
– Transdisciplinary work and acquisition of choreographic principles within your own art field
– Collaborative creation of new artistic formats
Admissions requirements.
This minor is open to all Bachelor’s and Master’s students who are enrolled at ZHdK. No prior knowledge of dance is required; however, applicants must have B2 language skills or higher.
Language skills required.
You need the following languages to take this minor:
– English: to be able to follow a discussion
– English: to actively participate in a verbal exchange
– English: to understand a text
– English: to write a text
Benefits of studying at ZHdK.
– Extension of students’ work through practical work with materials from different art disciplines
– Development of an artistic project in collaboration with a guest artist in the residence format
→ More information about this minor (PDF download)
Minor Coordination
Major-Minor Programme Model
At ZHdK, students choose a Major. In addition to this core subject, they can choose one or two Minors to deepen or expand their major skills and knowledge across various disciplines. This wide choice of courses is unique in Europe and enables students to develop and sharpen their individual profile.