
Research in the Arts: Practices, Methods, Contexts – advanced

In the “Research in the Arts: Practices, Methods, Contexts – basic” minor, you develop a research-focused approach towards your own artistic, design and teaching practice.

  • Study level

    BA and MA

  • Coursework

    15 credits

  • Teaching language


  • Start of studies

    Every autumn semester

  • Number of study places



Course content. 
In the minor, you consolidate your own research practice in the arts and learn to position yourself in practice-based, discursive-artistic research fields. You expand your knowledge of a range of scientific and artistic research approaches, and develop your own critical methodological tool set. You tap into your research field in a personal project. You learn to formulate your own questions or models, experiment with research processes, and impart your findings. Depending on your research focus, there is the possibility to contribute to current ZHdK research projects in order to experience actual research processes and activities first-hand. The focus is on research traditions, research landscapes as well as methodological approaches and practices. The programme and interaction between students are intentionally interdisciplinary in nature. 

Skills acquired in the course.
The minor focuses on teaching research-based reflection on your own discipline in its interdisciplinary context.
–  Develop a distinctive, individual approach to designing, running and presenting your own research projects and implementing them in your research practice
–  Formulate profound research questions, and position and contextualize them in the research field
–  Hold a differentiated, critical methodological discussion that provides an insight into your own research
–  Reflect on and apply the standards of good scientific practice

Admissions requirements.
“Research in the Arts: Practices, Methods, Contexts – advanced” is aimed at all students who already have research skills and could envisage working in a research position in an academic or non-academic context for their future career. Therefore, an interest in analytical thought processes and experimental knowledge production is a prerequisite. Applicants must have a research proposal or a specific project idea in mind, and a good command of English (B2).

Language skills required.
You need the following languages to take this minor:
–  English: to be able to follow a discussion
–  English: to actively participate in a verbal exchange
–  English: to understand a text
–  English: to write a text

Benefits of studying this minor.
The advanced minor offers students the opportunity to specifically use and expand the research skills that they have already acquired in the arts. The minor is linked to current research projects and ZHdK researchers, and students may contribute to an existing research project that matches their research interest or prepare their own research or doctoral proposal. 

More information about this minor (PDF download)

Major-Minor Programme Model

At ZHdK, students choose a Major. In addition to this core subject, they can choose one or two Minors to deepen or expand their major skills and knowledge across various disciplines. This wide choice of courses is unique in Europe and enables students to develop and sharpen their individual profile.


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Research in the Arts: Practices, Methods, Contexts – advanced