(a)tuning in the gaps is part of an ongoing collaborative research process in developing cultural analysis as emergent aesthetic practice. The work is motivated by the urge to access forms of embodied theory making at the intersection of artistic and academic practice. Based on previous artistic collaborations, which experimented with interactments of established methods from performative arts, classical singing, literary practice, and cultural analysis, this workshop aims to research and rehearse a performative methodology of ethical attunement, which proposes to nourish practices of interlistening as a social and communicative practice of sensemaking.
Facilitators: Angelo Custódio, Ines Kleesattel, Jules Sturm
Guests: Eva Eggerman (A), Aio Frei (CH), Halbe Kuipers (NL), Tina Reden (CH), Túlio Rosa (BE), Rajni Shah (NL)
Contact: for questions or inquiries please feel free to contact us.